Poor Lead Flow: 7 Strategies To Fix It Today

Find out how you can fix your poor lead flow and get your business back to winning ways.

Lewis Chawko

25 Sept 2024

10 min


Do you need more high-quality leads?

Then you’re in the right place.

For any business, poor lead flow is a major roadblock for sustainable growth and success. 

In this article, you will learn everything there is to know about lead flow, and how you can improve it in your business.

What is Lead Flow?

Lead flow refers to the stream of potential customers (“leads”) within a business. 

It is often considered the “backbone” of revenue operations, because the actions of sales, marketing and customer success teams are all influenced by lead flow.

A healthy lead flow usually means that a business has lots of potential customers.

AND that these potential customers are qualified to buy. (They have the money and the need for the product or service)

Therefore, a healthy lead flow is crucial for consistent sales.

What is Poor Lead Flow?

In simple terms:

Poor lead flow = not enough high-quality leads.

This is the most common definition.

However, poor lead flow can also describe a sub-optimal process for converting leads by progressing them through the sales funnel.

In other words, just because a business has attracted a number of high-quality leads, it doesn’t mean that those leads are progressing through the funnel. There may be bottlenecks that either hurt conversion rates or sales cycle length.

In this case, lead flow is still “poor”.

This can lead to reduced customer acquisition and, ultimately, decreased sales revenue. 

So, not only must a business attract lots of high-quality leads, but it also needs to convert as many of those leads as possible.

To summarise, “poor lead flow” constitutes:

  • Low number of leads (enquiries, sign ups)

  • Poorly-qualified leads

  • Longer sales cycles

What Causes Poor Lead Flow?

Understanding the causes of poor lead flow is crucial for any business.

While there can be various factors at play, here are the main things that you need to fix:

Ineffective Marketing Strategies

When businesses find themselves stuck in a cycle of poor lead flow, often, it's their marketing strategies that need a revamp. 

Many companies rely on outdated methods or fail to adapt to new trends (particularly trends in their own data!). 

It’s common, particularly across tech startups, to invest heavily in sales, but treat marketing as an afterthought.

In today's digital age, an effective marketing strategy should include:

  • Social Media Engagement: Building a presence on platforms where potential clients spend time, such as LinkedIn.

  • Content Marketing: Providing valuable resources that attract and inform leads, such as lead magnets.

  • SEO Practices: Ensuring visibility in search engines to reach a wider audience.

Keep reading to discover the 7 best strategies you can use today to skyrocket your lead flow…

Lack of Targeted Audience

Another huge challenge is the lack of a targeted audience. 

Without clearly defining who the ideal customer is, your marketing efforts will be scattered and ineffective. 

To prevent this misalignment, you should:

  • Conduct Market Research: Understand who their customers are and what they need. This should be a continuous process!

  • Create Buyer Personas: Develop profiles representing ideal customers based on data, not assumptions.

  • Segment Marketing Efforts: Tailor messages based on different audience segments.

Inefficient Sales Funnel

An inefficient sales funnel can significantly hinder a business's lead flow.

When a sales funnel is poorly structured or lacks clear stages, potential customers often find themselves confused or disengaged.

This confusion can lead to high dropout rates, where leads enter the funnel but do not progress through to a buying stage. 

Consequently, an inefficient funnel results in fewer qualified prospects and missed sales opportunities.

Market Saturation & Competition

Market saturation: when a product or service is offered by numerous competitors within the same market, leading to an abundance of options for consumers. 

This saturation often results in intense competition among businesses striving to attract the same pool of potential customers. 

As a consequence, lead flow can plummet. 

Marketers may find themselves investing more in advertising and promo strategies, only to see minimal returns on their efforts due to the overwhelming supply of similar offerings.

Furthermore, as competition escalates, the emphasis shifts from compelling value propositions to price wars. 

In this environment, maintaining a unique selling point is crucial.

Weak Value Proposition or Offer

This is the most common bottleneck when it comes to poor lead flow.

And the easiest to fix! 

(We’ll show you how later…)

When potential customers encounter vague or unconvincing messaging, they are unlikely to see the value in what is being presented. 

As a result, they may disregard the offer completely.

Furthermore, a weak value prop can also damage brand credibility:

When leads sense inconsistency or ambiguity in messaging, they will no doubt question the overall reliability of the product or service. 

Strong leads are cultivated from a foundation of confidence and clear understanding, and a business that cannot articulate its value risks losing not only immediate prospects but also future opportunities.

What are the Effects of Poor Leadflow?

In most cases of poor lead flow, two main effects stand out: 

Decreased sales revenue and reduced customer acquisition.

Decreased Sales Revenue

When lead flow suffers, so does revenue. 

Knock-on effects include:

  • Budget Cuts: Reduced revenue may force companies to cut budgets across departments, stunting growth.

  • Limited Investment Opportunities: Without steady revenue, attracting investors becomes increasingly difficult.

All these factors can create a vicious cycle.

This is exactly how tech companies go bust.

Best avoided.

Reduced Customer Acquisition

Poor lead flow means fewer customers and a much higher Cost of Acquiring a Customer (CAC).

And a high CAC will threaten the viability of the business by eroding runway.

7 Strategies To Improve Poor Lead Flow

So, now you understand the dangers of poor lead flow.

And you’re probably pretty motivated to avoid falling into a downward spiral.

Luckily, you’re in the right place.

Here are the 7 best strategies you can get started with today to fix your lead flow:

Strategy #1: Lead Magnets

Cold email and cold calling costs.

On top of that, any form of cold outreach is just that - cold.

Which means people do not know you or trust you.

So why offer a lead magnet? Or a free webinar? Or an in-person event?

The answer is simple:


How else do you plan on turning cold traffic into hot leads flooding your pipeline?

Especially for tech companies, prospects cannot always get a strong understanding of your value from a call or email.

Here are some examples of lead magnets you can use today to boost your lead flow:

  • Offering free trials

  • Providing free or discounted services (that you would normally expect to charge for)

  • Exclusive, valuable content (e.g. checklists, how-to guides, templates)

  • Free training on a live webinar or workshop

  • Free, exclusive industry events

Strategy #2: Nurturing Leads

Once leads are in your pipeline, you need to keep building trust.

Here are some practical approaches to this:

  • Regular Communication: Keep in touch with leads through personalised emails or newsletters filled with valuable content tailored to their interests. (“Valuable” is key here)

  • Listening and Feedback: Actively seek feedback from leads to understand their needs better. This can guide your approach and show them you value their opinions.

  • Engagement through Social Media: Interact with potential customers on platforms they frequent, responding to comments and messages promptly.

Strategy #3: Optimising Conversion Rates

Here’s how to improve conversions:

  • Removing Friction: Using data, identify key drop-off points in your sales process. Find the reasons for these drop-offs, and make changes to help leads progress. 

  • Adding Incentives: Scarcity, urgency and bonuses are powerful tools to convince on-the-fence leads to make decisions quicker.

  • Improve Offer & Value Proposition: How can you restructure your offer to make it seem more valuable? How can you make your value clearer to your prospects?

  • Segmented Campaigns: Use data to create targeted campaigns that cater to specific needs.

  • Clear Calls to Action (CTAs): Ensure that each piece of communication has a clear and compelling CTA or “Next Steps”, guiding leads to the next steps.

  • Follow-up Strategies: Implement consistent follow-up procedures, providing exclusive value to re-engage lukewarm leads.

Remember that each decision should be backed by data. 

If you don’t yet have data (or can’t find it!), it may be time to look into RevOps Consulting to introduce proven strategies into your business from day 1.

Strategy #4: Email Marketing

Never neglect your mailing list.

It is the only list of prospects that you have immediate control over, which makes it powerful.


Personalisation in email marketing is no longer a luxury; it’s an expectation. 

Tailoring your emails to meet the specific interests and needs of your audience can significantly enhance engagement and conversion rates. 

Automation for Efficient Follow-ups

Automation is key for efficiency.

Consider these automation tactics to improve your lead flow today:

  • Welcome Drip Campaigns: Automatically send a series of welcoming emails to new subscribers. You should include free value and bonuses to reward them for signing up.

  • Behaviour-triggered Emails: Set up automated responses based on user or lead behaviour.

  • Regular Re-engagement Campaigns: Use automation to reach out to inactive users or past clients with targeted content or exclusive one-time offers to reignite their interest.

Improving Marketing Campaigns

Here are a few other methods of improving conversions from your marketing campaigns:

  • Providing Upfront Value: The prospect is the main character in your messaging. Aim to help them as much as possible. Solve a small problem (which is what your lead magnets, content, webinars, events etc. should be helping them with!)

  • Multi-Channel Approaches: Connect with prospects across multiple touch points, and make sure these touch points are interlinked.

  • Analytics and Feedback: Regularly review campaign performance to identify what works and what doesn’t.

Strategy #5: Content Marketing

High-quality content serves as a more nuanced gateway for attracting and retaining customers.

Secondly, it’s critical for establishing your brand as a trusted authority.

Creating Valuable Content

Value is a term that’s thrown around easily.

But do you really understand what it means when something is “valuable”?

Valuable content solves a problem for your prospect.

Creating content that is not only informative but also valuable to your audience is essential for boosting your lead flow overnight.

Here are some strategies to ensure your content adds real value:

  • Educate and Inform: Provide in-depth guides, how-tos, or tutorials that help your audience solve problems. For instance, a plumber that shares DIY tips on home repairs will showcase his expertise and solve a problem for his audience. 

  • Address Common Questions: Create FAQ sections or posts that directly tackle queries often posed by your potential clients. This helps overcome objections before any sales calls take place.

Forming Strategic Partnerships

Forming strategic partnerships with other businesses can also bolster your lead flow. 

Here’s how to do it effectively:

  • Identify Complementary Brands: Look for businesses that complement yours but do not compete directly. This may be a brand that exists in the same market, but provides a completely different product or service.

  • Co-Marketing Initiatives: Launch joint campaigns that benefit both parties, such as webinars, promotions, or workshops that cater to shared audiences.

  • Resource Sharing: Collaborate on content, events, or giveaways that draw attention from both customer bases, making it easier to grow your reach.

Strategic partnerships allow both businesses to tap into new audiences and create authentic connections that lead to increased lead flow and sales opportunities. 

It’s a win-win scenario!

Strategy #6: Paid Advertising

Paid ads can significantly amplify your reach and visibility, and helps quickly convert prospects who are already problem aware or solution aware.

Targeted Ad Campaigns

By narrowing down your target demographics, you can ensure your ads resonate with the right prospects. 

Here are some tips for effective targeting:

  • Audience Segmentation: Use data analytics to categorise your audience based on behaviour, interests, location, and other relevant factors.

  • Platform Selection: Choose advertising platforms where your target audience is most active. For example, Instagram and TikTok may be more suitable for younger audiences, whereas LinkedIn works well for B2B marketing.

  • Custom Audiences: Utilise features such as Facebook’s Custom Audiences to retarget visitors who have already interacted with your website or content.

Monitoring and Optimising Ad Performance

Creating compelling ads is just the first step. 

Monitoring and optimising their performance is crucial for long-term success. 

Here’s how to ensure your campaigns are effective:

  • Track Key Metrics: Monitor metrics such as click-through rates (CTR), cost per acquisition (CPA), and conversion rates to evaluate how well your ads perform.

  • A/B Testing: Experiment with different ad creatives, headlines, and calls to action. This will help identify what resonates best with your audience.

  • Regular Adjustments: Based on data insights, make adjustments to targeting, budgets, and content to enhance performance continually.

By focusing on targeted campaigns and maintaining a cycle of monitoring and optimisation, businesses can effectively leverage paid advertising to boost lead flow, ultimately leading to higher conversions and sustained growth.

Strategy #7: Referrals (Customer Experience)

Exceptional customer service is a requirement of any successful business. 

It’s about going above and beyond to meet the needs of your customers. 

Here’s how to elevate your service level:

  • Responsive Communication: Ensure prompt responses to inquiries or support requests. The closer to immediate, the better.

  • Effective Problem Resolution: Empower your team to handle complaints quickly and efficiently. Providing refunds or replacements without hassle can turn a dissatisfied customer into a loyal advocate.

  • Follow-Up After Purchase: After a sale, reach out to customers to gather feedback. This not only shows you care but also provides valuable insights for your business.

Also ensure you and your sales reps “make the ask” for a referral.

You’d be surprised at the results.

Analysing and Improving Metrics

It’s imperative to focus on the analytical side of lead flow management. 

Analytics play a crucial role in understanding the effectiveness of your strategies and ensuring continuous growth. 

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Tracking Key Performance Indicators

KPIs serve as vital signs for your lead flow, revealing what works and what needs attention. 

Here are some critical KPIs to monitor:

  • Cost of Acquiring a Customer (CAC): A key metric for measuring the viability of a business when contrasted with LifeTime Value (LTV) of a customer.

  • Lead Conversion Rate: The percentage of leads that become customers.

  • Cost Per Lead (CPL): Assess how much you spend on acquiring each lead. This metric helps evaluate the return on investment (ROI) of your marketing strategies.

  • Lead Source Performance: Determine which channels bring in the most leads. This insight allows businesses to allocate resources effectively.

Utilising Data to Optimise Leadflow

Once you’ve identified the right metrics, it’s time to put the data to work. 

Data analysis enables businesses to continually refine their lead flow processes. 

Here’s how to effectively utilise data:

  • Conduct A/B Testing: Experiment with different messaging, visuals, and strategies to see what resonates best with your audience.

  • Analyse Customer Journeys: Utilise analytics tools to track the paths potential customers take before converting. This insight helps identify bottlenecks in the process.

  • Feedback Loops: Regularly seek feedback from closed leads to understand their experiences. Use this information to enhance future campaigns or refine customer interactions.


Now, you know what lead flow is, and how important it is to maintain a healthy lead flow in your business.

We’ve also covered the top 7 strategies that you can implement to optimise lead flow.

If you’d like expert help identifying bottlenecks in your sales and marketing processes and fixing your poor lead flow, contact us here.



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